The Heartland Hypnosis Conference

Success Leaves clues Workshop – International stage hypnotist association

The Heartland Hypnosis Conference: A Melting Pot of Innovation, Inspiration, and Connection

The Heartland Hypnosis Conference, organized by the indomitable William Mitchell, is an event that consistently raises the bar for hypnotism and hypnotherapy gatherings. Held in the vibrant city of St. Louis, this year’s conference was a resounding success, offering an unparalleled blend of professional development, networking, and entertainment.

What sets the Heartland Hypnosis Conference apart is its comprehensive approach to hypnosis. Attendees had the opportunity to explore five distinct tracks: Hypnotherapy, Clinical, Business, Spiritual, and Stage. This diverse curriculum ensures that every participant, regardless of speciality or interest, finds immense value and actionable insights.

A Historic Gathering: The International Stage Hypnotists Association

This year’s conference was extraordinary, marking the first in-person meeting of the International Stage Hypnotists Association (ISHA). The pre-conference training session, aptly titled “Success Leaves Clues,” was led by a stellar lineup of experts, including myself, Grant Saunders, Terry Stokes, Sailesh, Michael C. DeSchalit, and Paul Ramsay. This session gave attendees invaluable strategies and techniques to elevate their stage performances and careers.

The conference featured a remarkable roster of presenters from around the globe, each with unique expertise and perspectives. Among the standout new presenters were Kacee Cox Picot and Traci Hardin. Having attended the “Level Up” course I co-facilitated with Jim Kellner last year, Traci Hardin’s meteoric rise was a highlight. Her presentations were met with acclaim, showcasing her growth and dedication.

Beyond the educational sessions, the social aspect of the conference was exceptional. Two cocktail parties fostered connections and camaraderie among participants. The first, sponsored by the ISHA, and the second by the conference, offered relaxed networking and friendship-building environments.

One of the social highlights was Sailesh’s stage show, a masterclass in hypnotic entertainment. His performance was not just a show but a demonstration of hypnotic artistry and audience engagement.

A particularly moving moment was the initiation ceremony of the ISHA, where members took a pledge and received their membership pins, symbolizing their commitment and unity within the community.

I also want to thank Bradley Clark, a talented hypnotist and an all-around great person, for his assistance with my show. His dedication, even in the face of challenging weather, exemplified the spirit of the hypnosis community.

Additionally, it was fantastic to reconnect with international colleagues like Richard Cole from Canada and Jeff Benink from the Netherlands, underscoring the global nature of the conference.

The Heartland Hypnosis Conference is more than just a professional gathering; it’s a melting pot of innovation, inspiration, and connection. With its diverse tracks, stellar presenters, and enriching social events, it offers immense value to anyone in the field of hypnosis. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a newcomer, this conference is a must-attend for anyone looking to elevate their practice and network with the best in the industry.

Mark your calendars for next year’s conference—you won’t want to miss it!