Time vs. Money

Valuing Efficiency in Professional Services In today’s fast-paced world, the adage “time is money” has never been more relevant. As a professional hypnotist, my schedule is often packed, and finding time for additional tasks can be challenging. This brings me to a recent experience that significantly shifted my perspective on how we value services. I […]

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The Heartland Hypnosis Conference

The Heartland Hypnosis Conference: A Melting Pot of Innovation, Inspiration, and Connection The Heartland Hypnosis Conference, organized by the indomitable William Mitchell, is an event that consistently raises the bar for hypnotism and hypnotherapy gatherings. Held in the vibrant city of St. Louis, this year’s conference was a resounding success, offering an unparalleled blend of […]

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Stage Hypnosis: The Unexpected Star of Corporate Christmas Parties

The festive season is almost upon us, and companies worldwide are brainstorming ideas to make their annual Christmas parties memorable. While traditional entertainment options like music bands and dance performances are always a hit, there’s an unexpected star that’s been stealing the limelight in recent years: stage hypnosis. Here’s why stage hypnosis might just be […]

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