Top 5 mistakes when booking a stage hypnotist

Stage hypnotist booking mistakes to avoid

I have been performing hypnosis for many years and have been fortunate enough to have worked at some amazing venues around the world, however during that time I’ve discovered that there are 5 common mistakes people make when deciding to book a stage hypnotist.

stage hypnotist

Number 1 Budget.

we are all aware that money can be tight however when it comes to budgeting for a stage hypnotist cheap very often means cheap! if you go for the cheapest stage hypnotist then you are risking the success of your booking. when it comes to hypnotists you really do get what you pay for.

Number 2 Availability.

Don’t leave it to the last moment to book your stage hypnotist, you generally find that the few good performers can be booked up well in advance and the less time you have to secure the right hypnotist for your event the fewer options you will have available and again you run the risk of booking an amateur and the night not going as well as  it should.


Number 3 Professionalism.

Do your research, check out the hypnotists facebook, website, youtube see the quality and feel of what they put out there check the show reviews and make sure this fits with the type of event you are wanting to put on, you don’t want an adults-only show at a holiday park or corporate event. Just like with singers you have different genres of music with hypnosis you get different genres of hypnotists and please trust me your friend’s uncle who is a hypnotherapist is NOT the person to entertain an audience.

check out my facebook here


Number 4 Hypnosis isn’t the right show.

I love stage hypnosis I personally think done right its one of the most dynamic forms of entertainment for any event however over the years I have been booked for events that might have been better if the booker had just gone with something different.  when you hire a stage hypnotist then chances are the show is going to take up between 45 mins to 90 mins and the attention of the audience will be on the show on the stage.


Number 5 Making the show a surprise.

When people have time to digest that there is a stage hypnotist at the event it gives it time to sink in their minds and has a compounding effect it also gives your audience chance to look up the stage hypnotist online and see what a quality show they are going to get and how much fun they are going to have, so when the stage hypnotist announces they want volunteers you get more people ready and primed to be the stars of the show. when its kept a secret or a surprise it doesn’t give them chance to digest what the show entails and people tend to be more reserved and the show is not as amazing as it could be.


if you would like information about booking my stage hypnosis show then please click here 


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